Sunday, March 6, 2011


Every first Saturday of the month is half of day at Goodwill stores. Store-wide! I found a sweet deal on some well-fitting Diesel shoes. They are a lot like these ones in that there is a place for your foot to go in, a sole, and they have some orange in them. But that's about it. I think you get the idea :)                             

Friday, March 4, 2011

Snail Death

My snail died. I've read many online articles on how snails are the beginner pet; easy to take care of, low maintenance, and so on. Bekah knew of my desire to try my hand at keeping a pet snail and bought me one yesterday! I looked up what kind it was based on the shell shape and such things. I found the perfect, classic, yet simple glass bowl to keep it in. I excitedly told people about my new snail and was greeted with hopeful encouragement. Everyone knows that little pets in my care die...but this? A snail? Surely, I could keep that living.

 Not so. It didn't eat its' algae last night. That should have been my first sign. I didn't even have a chance to officially name it.

My thoughts on the snail are these. What if it died because it couldn't handle the new environment. What if that new environment was so harmful the little snail couldn't live. I have no idea. But, I do know that when God moves me to new places, unknown places, I hope I have the determination to make it through deadly circumstances.